Emmaus Stewardship

If you attended Candlelight for the recent Women’s Emmaus Weekend you heard about the financial needs for the ongoing support of our weekends and other community expenses in the face of rising expenses.  We shared detailed information that night with the confidence that you would respond once you knew of the need.   We are humbled to report that you gave over $1500 that night, which is about double of our typical offering!  Praise God!!  Our prayer is that this support will continue.  A summary of the details shared that night is provided below. 

In addition to providing contributions through future Candlelight collections, you may also send a check directly to the Board anytime at the address below.   Make checks payable to “Delmarva Walk to Emmaus.”

Mail to:

Delmarva Walk to Emmaus

P.O. Box 804

Chestertown, MD 21620


Thank you for your support!


Additional Information:

The collection taken at each Emmaus Candlelight service has been our primary source of funding to supplement money received through the checks provided by team members and sponsors each weekend.  This collection was originally needed only to cover expenses for the bus and limited scholarships, but as all expenses continue to rise, we are in need of covering much more. 

Our cost to Pecometh has risen to $297 per person, but the board is committed to keeping the cost of attendance at its current level of $295.  So we are already in need of about $100 per weekend before adding other expenses, such as scholarships for resident spiritual directors ($594), other scholarships (~$200), buses ($475), registration fees to the national office for each pilgrim ($13 each), and replenishment of property items (~$200).  We also have expenses that are not directly tied to funding a weekend, such as liability insurance ($1300/yr) and commitments to support “The Gift” (~$150), which is a fund used by the national office to support emerging Emmaus communities around the world.  

The bottom line is that it takes about $2300 more to support each weekend than we collect through checks.  We have been able to remain above board due to generous donations over the years from community members and churches.  As noted above, we welcome additional donations to cover these expenses and maintain community reserves.