Latest Past Events

Chrysalis RUSH – Coleman’s Tree Farm

Coleman's Tree Farm 550 Silver Run Road, Middletown

We will have cider, sā€™mores and hot dogs for everyone! All of the community is welcome, including guests! Guests could be youth from your church, youth that have attended recent Chrysalis weekends and may be a little nervous about attending their first RUSH, or friends who you want to share the community with. We can't wait to see everyone!


Community Gathering

Church Hill UMC 508 Main Street, Church Hill

Remember your name tags and cross, your songbook and purple pilgrims' guide and your own beverage.

Chrysalis RUSH: Fun & Games, Volleyball, & a Pool!

The Mussaw's 905 Old Field Point Road, Elkton

Bring a snack and/or drink to share and don't forget your bathing suit! Ā Hamburgers, hot dogs and buns will be provided. Remember - RUSHes are not just for Chrysalis and those who have attended Chrysalis. A RUSH is open to the ENTIRE COMMUNITY AND THEIR FRIENDS. It is also a great opportunity to bring anyone […]